Monday, September 15, 2008

~::i hate it!!::~

i seriously hate my internship!!There are thousands in fact millions of reasons why I dont like being here. But the vital reason is...I hate those people here!!enough said!!


Sakilah said...

why dont you saying a word that uve changed ur blog from fs to blogspot!!

emo2..ha3..btw, update plz!!!

nadiah makob said...

maap iye enggak btau kamuuu~
aku ingt tade sape pn nk bc blog aku~
nie just byk cm luahan perasaann
haaa ag pn dok tganu sowg2,,tatau nk ckp ngan sape kalu cm stress or xpuas hati ngan owg,,,
blog fs plak gler ssh nk bkk kt kerteh nie,,
dats y aku bkk account nie~
haihhhh~aku nk cter nape aku bengang gler kt sini
tp xseswai kn tlis hal peribadi wat tatapan umummm
so nnti kte jmpe aku update okai!
gler rndu ko wei!!!

LuKe HaKiM said...

ouh ouh!
cik makob!
tak best kan dok sane?
at least sane ade mcd.
semasa saya di kemaman,2 mcd-less weeks.
nak mati keput rase...

Sakilah said...

aku rindu kamu juger..
its okey la if nk luahkan perasaan kt sini..
who cares?
it yours..u have the right to write anything that u want!!kan? hu3..
and i do read keep writing least there's something you can share about..
org kate, meringankn beban kt otak dan di dada...

miss you muahh2